Title: Curitiba Central
Author: Vilma Slomp
Text: Vilma Slomp, Rubens Fernandes Junior, Key Imaguire Junior, José Carlos Fernandes
Languages: Português, inglês
Cape: dura
Pages: 384
Photos: 246
Dimensions: 27,5 x 27,5 cm
Weight: 2.681 gr.
Collor: black and white
Year: 2013
status: disponível
Curitiba Central
From the late 70s until 2013, Vilma Slomp registered shots of Curitiba downtown, highlighting the profound changes that have occurred at urban space over this period.
The photographs provoke different feelings to the reader, as if there wereseveral cities in the same city. The work has as reference the downtown area according to the Research and Planning of Urban Curitiba Institute, including Sete de Setembro Avenue to Alameda Augusto Stellfeld and Judge Motta Street to Ubaldino do Amaral Street.
The work allows a journey through time and memory: the wooden architecture of the last century which refers to the colonization to the modern buildings, portrayed in detail. "Curitiba and I grow and change together. The observer rescues in the photographs the urban heritage that goes back to different times of our culture and helps to understand the current downtown of Curitiba" says Vilma.
The researcher and photographs curator Rubens Fernandes Junior highlights the appreciation of details in the artist's records. "She treated the city as a logical design valuing the fragment, the detail, the marks of their managers, the sources and fountains, representative buildings of cultural identity. Finally, your picture is this kind of logical design created in the vagueness of the chance of her travels through the region. Her photographs helps us to understand the city as a palimpsest, that is, memory layers and times that cause distinct sensations. It is as if we could see several cities in the same city" said the critic.
Title: Visceras em Vice Versa
Author: Vilma Slomp
Text: Vilma Slomp, Diógenes Moura
Languages: Português, inglês
Cape: dura
Pages: 80
Photos: 72
Dimensions: 28,5 x 23 cm
Weight: 676 gr.
Collor: black and white
Year: 2006
status: disponível
Title: Il-lu-sion
Author: Vilma Slomp
Text: Agnaldo Farias
Languages: Português, inglês
Cape: brochura
Pages: 86
Photos: 49
Dimensions: 25,5 x 22 cm
Weight: 480gr.
isbn: 85-8565504-6
Collor: Black and white
Year: 2001
status: disponível
Title: Dor
Author: Vilma Slomp
Text: Carlos A.C. Harmath, Angélica de Moraes
Languages: Português, inglês
Cape: brochura
Pages: 62
Photos: 33
Dimensions: 22x20,5cm
Weight: 256gr.
isbn: 85-85655-03-8
Collor: collor and black and white
Year: 1998
status: disponível